
Title: Advanced Technologies and Materials in the Conservation and Protection of Cultural Heritage MIS467332

Budget: 35.489,50

Funding Source: the State co-funded lifelong learning PEGA educational program (2014):

Role: Co-ordinator – Boyatzis

Duration: April-May 2014 


Title: Witness the past: education programs for the public and CH professionals on illicit trafficking of antiquities

Budget: 400.000 Euros

Funding Source: EC Culture Programme2007-2013, No. 160674-CU-1-2009

Role: Coordinator – Argyropoulou

Duration: January 2010-2012

Co-organisers: Egyptian Museum of Cairo, ANEMON Productions, C.A.T.S. Alliance for Children Tradition and Social Engagement, Rathgen Research Laboratory and Berlin State Museum, Dept. of Archaeology University of Cyprus, Marfin Laiki Bank Cultural Centre in Cyprus, Dept. Of Antiquities, Jordan, and Section of Museums, UNESCO

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