Underwater and Wetlands Cultural Heritage

Title: Saving wooden shipwrecks in the Mediterranean marine ecosystem: Research, development and application of innovative methods of in situ protection, acronym MERMAID

Budget:   519.454,99 Euros

Funding Source: THALIS: The co-operational program Education and Life Long Learning NSRF and co-funded by the Greek Ministry of Education and the European Union

Role: Co-ordinator – Pournou

Duration: 2012-2015

Collaboration: the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Institutes of Oceanography and Marine Biology, Biotechnology, and Aquaculture and the University of Peloponnese, Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management.




Title: New Approaches and Application of Electrochemical Techniques and Corrosion Inhibitors for in-situ Monitoring of Shipwrecks and Treatment of recovered marine composite artefacts containing metal

Budget: 77.311 Euros

Funding Source: ARCHIMEDES III: Education and Lifelong Learning of the NSRF

Role: Co-ordinator – Argyropoulou

Duration: 2013-2015.

Title:  First Aid for Wetland Cultural Heritage Finds: Tradition and Innovation

Budget: 286.000 Euros

Funding Source: EC Culture 2000

Role: Co-ordinator – Panagiaris

Duration: May 2004 -l December 2006.

Co-organisers: Aristotle University of Thessalonica, Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter, Department of Archaeology, Fachhochschule fur Technic und Wirtschaft, Department of Conservation