Museum Collections

Title: Museum Experience with Location Tracking, Ontologies and open laboratories –Documentation and Ontology of Modern Cultural Heritage Exhibits / Objects and Methods for Restoration and Maintenance, Behavioral Analysis and Creation of Personalized Visitor Experience in Museums and Multi-Cultural Sites / Open Lab  MELTOPENLAB

Budget: 557.064,40 EUR (Budget lab 65.612,5 EUR)  

Funding Source: |Actions of National Range – Special Actions “Aquaculture” – “Industrial Materials” – “Open Innovation in Culture” | “COMPETITIVENESS, ENTERPRISE & INNOVATION” (EPAnEK) 

Role: Partner – Zervos

Duration: 2020 - 1/1/2022

Partners: Technology Solutions Η & S S.A. ; ALTSOL | ALTSOL · Information Management Research Lab | ;

Department of Computer Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese |


Title: Radiocarbon dating with AMS of samples from Poliochni on Lemnos

Budget: 14.973 Euros

Funding Source: Within the project “Promotion of the archaeological site of Poliochni on Lemnos” (NSRF 2014-2020)

Role: Co-ordinator -Fakorellis

Duration: 2021-2021  


Title: Documentation of the condition and determination of the technical specifications for the conservation of the technical drawings of the YAMP historical archive (EYDAP) 

Budget: 8.400 Euros  

Funding Source: EYDAP  

Role: Coordinator – Zervos  

Duration: July. 2019 – Jan. 2020  



Title: Conservation of historical objects from the Museum of Lake Marathon, property of EYDAP

Budget: 4.290 Euros

Funding Source: EYDAP

Role: Coordinator – Argyropoulou

Duration: Nov. 2019 – Jan. 2020


Title: Investigation of the environmental factors effects on organic materials constituting the natural and cultural heritage INVENVORG

Budget: 538.482 Euros

Funding Source: THALIS: The co-operational program Education and Life Long Learning NSRF and co-funded by the Greek Ministry of Education and the European Union

Role: Coordinator – Panagiaris

Duration: March 2012- Nov. 2015


Title: Bioart:  definitions and limits. Research to establish a commonly accepted ethical management framework (BIOART) Budget: 79.500 Euros Funding Source: Archimedes III Role: Co-ordinator: Avaritsiotis Duration: April 2012 – May 2015 Title: Conservation and study of skeleton material from Grave Circle B at Mycenae Funding Source:  Institute for Aegean Prehistory Role: Co-ordinator: Panagiaris Duration: June 2009 – Dec. 2010




Title: Bringing to prominence ethnographic material Funding Source: Bilateral Collaboration GREECE – FYROM 2000-2006, (INTERREG III), action 2.2 development of alternative tourism –promotion of cultural and touristic resources  Role: Co-ordinator: Panagiaris Duration: August –November 2008


Title: Documentation, conservation and presentation of the Hellenistic Collection of the Archeological Museum of Hama in Syria; Establishment of Laboratory and Training of the local personnel

Funding Source: Dept. Hellenic Aid/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Republic of Greece (9116/9/ΑΣ126/31.1.07 I.D.C.)

Role: Coordinator – Panagiaris

Duration: May 2007 – Aug. 2009




Title: Creation of the Natural History Collection of Pikermi Attica

Funding Source: Prefecture of Eastern Attica

Role: Coordinator – Panagiaris

Duration: Oct. 2006 – Oct. 2008


Title: Innovative conservation approaches for monitoring and protecting ancient and historic metals         collections from the Mediterranean basin

Budget: 4.000.000 Euros

Funding Source: EC INCO MED STREP project No. 509126, PROMET

Role: Co-ordinator – Argyropoulou

Duration: November 2004-2008

Partners: IESL-FORTH (Greece), Heritage Malta (Malta), Depart. of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, University of Malta (Malta), SVUOM Ltd. (Czech Republic),NILES – The National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences, Cairo University (Egypt), Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historique (France), Institute of Nuclear Physics, N.C.S.R. ”Demokritos” (Greece), Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University (Jordan), Scientific Society of Jordan, Mechanical Design and Technology Center (Jordan), Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali ed Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy), National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering (Greece), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas, Consejo Superior Investigaciones de Cientificas (Spain), National Research Center, Physical Chemistry Department (Egypt), Egyptian Museum of Cairo (Egypt), Jordan University of Science and Technology, School of Computer and Information Technology (Jordan), IBN TOFAIL University, Faculty of Sciences, Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Corrosion and Environment (Morocco), Ege University, Department of Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology (Turkey), Department of Materials Engineering, University of Aleppo (Syrian Arab Republic), Ministry of Culture (Syrian Arab Republic)



Title: The importance of sustainability study in the overall assessment of local specific museums in Greece and Germany

Funding Source: Programme Greece- Germany (IΚYDA 2005)

Role: Co-ordinator – Panagiaris

Duration: Jan. 2006-Dec.2007

Partner: FHTW-University of Applied Sciences Berlin Germany.


Title: The role of Local Museums in local and regional Development

Budget: 80.000 Euros

Funding Source: Ministry of Education (Archimedes II)

Role: Co-ordinator -Tsiliga

Duration: Jan. 2005 – Dec. 2006


Title: Development of museum objects cleaning biochemical methods of natural history specimens using enzymes.

Budget: 51.800 Euros

Funding Source: Ministry of Education (Archimedes I)

Role: Co-ordinator -Panagiaris

Duration: April 2004 –August 2006


Title: Development of methods for the documentation and analysis of biodeterioration data of museum objects.

Funding Source: Greek-Russian Bilateral Research Programme

Role: Co-ordinator -Panagiaris

Duration: July 2000 – January 2002


Title: Holistic approach and digital recording of the structure technology, decay, conservation and promotion of archaeological and historical leather artefact and natural history collection specimens.

Funding Source: European Programme (RAPHAEL)

Role: Co-ordinator – Panagiaris

Duration: December 1999-May 2001